Python Programming - Understanding Data Type

Python Programming – Understanding Data Type

Python Programming – Understanding Data Type The type of data value that can be stored in an identifier such as a variable is known as its data type. If a variable, roll_no is assigned a data value of 121 that means the variable is capable of storing integer data. Similarly, if a variable height is assigned a data value of 5.11, then it would be able to hold real data. In python language, every value has a data type. Since everything is an object in Python programming data types are actually classes and variables are instances of the classes. Python language has standard data types that are used to define operations possible on them and the storage method for each of them: Python language supports seven standard built-in data types listed below: Number: represents numeric data to perform mathematical operations. String: represents text characters, special symbols, or alphanumeric data. List: represents sequential data that the programmer wishes to sort, merge, etc. Tuple: represents sequential data with a little difference from the list. Set: is used for performing set operations such as intersection, difference, etc with multiple values. Dictionary: represents a collection of data that associate a unique key with each…

Implement Deque in Python

Implement Deque in Python

Deque or doubly ended queues are linear data structures with which we can perform last in first out (LIFO) operations as well as first in first out (FIFO) operations. Deques have many applications in real life such as implementing undo operation in softwares and in storing the browsing history in web browsers. In this article, we will implement deque in python using linked lists. How to implement deque using a linked list in python? Linked list is a linear data structure data structure which consists of nodes which contain data. Each node of a linked list points to another node in the linked list. To implement deque in python using linked list, we will have to perform insertion and deletion operation on both ends of the linked list. Also, we will have to keep a record of the length of the deque. To create a linked list, we will define a node which will have a data field and a next field. The data field contains the actual data and the next field has a reference to the next node in the linked list. A Node class can be defined in python as follows. class Node: def __init__(self,data): To…

Most Common Python Coding Interview Questions Answers For 2021

Most Common Python Coding Interview Questions Answers For 2021

Python is one of the most sought-after skills in today’s marketplace. By mastering the Python programming language, you too can join the ranks of programming gurus and wizards that employers seek to fill positions in companies that specialize in fields such as data science, machine learning, business intelligence or are scientific and numerical in nature. To be hired, you you should be proficient with Python and Python interview questions. Knowing everything about programming in Python including how to inherit from multiple classes to slicing and working comfortably with all of its data structures including arrays, strings, lists, tuples, and matrices. Quick Tip: Using Python’s Comparison Operators | Chaining Comparison Operators in Python Introduction to Python Programming Top 5 Free Python Resources for Beginners | Best Free Python Learning Resources The best thing you can do for yourself and your career is to study up and be prepared to answer some tough Python interview questions. Being prepared will help ease the tension and lessen the intimidation of a technical interview. To help you prepare for the technical interview ahead, we have compiled the most common Python interview questions in 2020. Practice with a friend by having your friend ask you these…

Extracting YouTube Data With Python Using API

Extracting YouTube Data With Python Using API

Overview In this post we will be looking on how to use the YouTube API in Python. This program will show how we can use the API to retrieve feeds from YouTube. This particular script will show the most popular videos on YouTube right now. Standard Feeds Some of the most popular YouTube feeds are most_recent most_viewed top_rated most_discussed top_favorites most_linked recently_featured most_responded How to use the Vimeo API in Python Python for Android: The Scripting Layer (SL4A) How to use the Hacker News API Getting Started To start getting the data that we want from the YouTube feeds, we begin by importing the necessary modules. import requests import jsonmeo-api-examples We make it a bit “prettier” by printing out what the program does. Then we get the feed by using the requests module. I used to use the urllib2 module to open the URL, but ever since Kenneth Reitz gave us the Requests module, I’m letting that module do most of my HTTP tasks. r = requests.get(“”) r.text After we have got the feed and saved it to the variable “r”, we convert it into a Python dictionary. data = json.loads(r.text) Now, we have a python dictionary and we can…

Check if a String is a Number in Python with str.isdigit() (and Unicode)

Check if a String is a Number in Python with str.isdigit() (and Unicode)

Edit 1: This article has been revised to show the differences between str.isdigit() and the custom solution provided. Edit 2: The sample also supports Unicode! Often you will want to check if a string in Python is a number. This happens all the time, for example with user input, fetching data from a database (which may return a string), or reading a file containing numbers. Depending on what type of number you are expecting, you can use several methods. Such as parsing the string, using regex, or simply attempting to cast (convert) it to a number and see what happens. Often you will also encounter non-ASCII numbers, encoded in Unicode. These may or may not be numbers. For example ๒, which is 2 in Thai. However © is simply the copyright symbol, and is obviously not a number. Read More: Difference between & and * operators in C Note that if you are executing the following code in Python 2.x, you will have to declare the encoding as UTF-8/Unicode – as follows: # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- The following function is arguably one of the quickest and easiest methods to check if a string is a number. It supports str, and Unicode,…

Python Programming – IDLE Menus

Python Programming – IDLE Menus

You can learn about Introduction to Python Programming Programs with Outputs helped you to understand the language better. Python Programming – IDLE Menus IDLE has two window types, the Shell window, and the Editor window. It is possible to have multiple editor windows simultaneously. IDLE’s menus dynamically change based on the window that is currently selected. Each menu documented below indicates which window type it is associated with. The File menu provides the ability to open, save, print, close files, etc. The Edit menu provides options for the usual editing commands such as Undo, Redo, Copy, Cut, Paste, Find, and Replace. The Format menu provides options for indenting, commenting, uncommenting a section of code, etc. The Run menu provides the Run Module, which executes the Python code currently in the Editor window. Python Programming – Creating a Simple “Hello World” Program Python Programming – How To Start Python Python Programming – Technical Strength Of Python The F5 shortcut key is a convenient way to execute a program. If the module has not been saved, IDLE will prompt the user to save the code. The Options menu provides the option Configure IDLE for configuring various aspects of IDLE, including the fonts used, the…

Using Python to Find The Largest Number Out Of Three

Using Python to Find the Largest Number out of Three | Python Program to find Largest Among Three Numbers

Beginners and expert developers can refer to this tutorial for learning How to find the largest number out of three using python. From here, you will easily understand the process of determining the largest number among three input numbers by using the explained different methods. Let’s get into this tutorial of Using Python to Find The Largest Number Out Of Three and check out the python programs to find the largest among three numbers with outputs. The tutorial of determining the largest number out of three contains the following stuff:  Python Program to Find Largest Among Three Numbers Write a Program to Find the largest of Three Numbers in Python Largest among Three Numbers using max() Function Find The Largest Number Using List Function Python Program to Find Largest Among Three Numbers Following is the useful snippet that will make you understand how to use Python to find the largest number out of any three given numbers. This snippet basically works on the if…elif…else statements to compare the three numbers against each other and returns which one is the largest. Look at the snippet below to understand how it works: number1 = 33 number2 = 67 number3 = 51 if…

SQLAlchemy Expression Language, More Advanced Usage

SQLAlchemy Expression Language, More Advanced Usage

Overview In the previous article SQLAlchemy Expression Language, Advanced Usage, we learned the power of SQLAlchemy’s expression language through a three table database including User, ShoppingCart, and Product. In this article, we are going to review the concept of materialised path in SQLAlchemy and use it to implement product containing relationships, where certain products may include others. For example, a DSLR camera package is one product that may contain a body, a tripod, a lens and a set of cleaning tools while each of the body, the tripod, the lens and the set of cleaning tools is a product as well. In this case, the DSLR camera package product contains other products. Python Programming – Python Packages Python Tutorial for Beginners | Learn Python Programming Basics Python Programming – Introduction to Selenium Materialized Path Materialized Path is a way to store a hierarchical data structure, often a tree, in a relational database. It can be used to handle hierarchical relationship between any types of entities in a database. sqlamp is a third-party SQLAlchemy library we will use to demonstrate how to set up a product containing relationship based hierarchical data structure. To install sqlamp, run the following command in your shell: $ pip install sqlamp Downloading/unpacking sqlamp … Successfully installed…

Python Programming – Sample Algorithms

Python Programming – Sample Algorithms

You can learn about Flowcharts and Algorithms in Python Programs with Outputs helped you to understand the language better. Python Programming – Sample Algorithms Sample Algorithms A set of instructions that describes the steps to be followed to carry out an activity is called an algo¬rithm or procedure for solving a problem. Some examples of algorithms are given in the following sub-sections: Exchanging the Values of Two Variables Exchanging the values of two variables means inter-changing their values. You can clearly understand this by example. Suppose you have two variables x and y. Our aim is to swap or interchange the values of x and y. The original values of x and y are: You find that the values of x and y have now been interchanged or swapped as desired. The algorithm for exchanging the values of two variables is given in Figure 2.13. Python Programming – Flowcharts for Sequential, Decision-Based and Iterative Processing Introduction to Python Programming – The Basic Model Of Computation Introduction to Python Programming – Algorithms Summation of a Set of Numbers Summation of a set of numbers is like adding numbers given in a series. To add a set of numbers manually, you start adding…

The 5 Best Python IDE’s and Code Editors for 2021

The 5 Best Python IDE’s and Code Editors for 2021

Comparing Top 5 IDEs and Text Editors for Python In this article, we will take a look at the top 5 Python IDEs and 5 Python text editors. Based on your field, price, and features – you’ll get to see which Python IDEs and Code Editors will be best for you. Confused about an IDE like Eclipse, or if you should for something as simple as Sublime Text? We have got everything covered! What Will You Learn here: Top Python IDEs and Text Editors Comparison PyCharm Spyder PyDev IDLE Wing Best Python Code Editors Sublime Text Atom Vim Visual Studio Code Jupyter Notebook Comparison of Top Python IDEs IDE Cost OS Supported Size Size(in MB) Languages Supported iPython Notebook PyCharm $199/year Windows, MacOS, Linux Big 150-176 MB Python, Javascript, Coffescript, XML, HTML/XHTML, YAML, CSS, Saas, Stylus No Spyder Free Windows, MacOS, Linux Big 361-427MB Python Yes PyDev Free Windows, MacOS, Linux Big 300MB Python, C++, Coffeescript, HTML, Javascript, CSS Yes IDLE Free Windows, MacOS, Linux Small 15.6 MB Python No Wing Free, Paid Windows, MacOS, Linux Big 400 MB Python Yes The Best Python IDEs You Can Use for Development An Overview of Sublime Text 2 with Python Comparison of…