Python Programming - Sorting Key And Value

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Python Programming – Sorting Key And Value

Creating the dictionary with a set of key: value pairs can be accomplished if all the data items are known in advance. Dictionaries do not have an inherent order. To impose order while processing a dictionary, you have to sort it using the sorted ( ) function. Looping over the sorted list of keys using sorted(ls), the dictionary content is printed out with the keys in alphabetical order as given below:

Is = {‘Uma’:76, ‘Mohan’:85, ‘Beena’:92, ‘Lisa’:28}
for s in sorted(Is): # s iterates over the sorted list of keys
print(s, ‘is’, Is [s], ‘years old.’)
Beena is 92 years old.
Lisa is 28 years old.
Mohan is 85 years old.
Uma is 76 years old.

But what if you want to sort by member’s age here, the key= option, i.e., key=ls.get to be exact. For the dictionary value can be achieved by specifying example,

for s in sorted(ls, key=ls.get):         # value-based sorting
print(s, ‘is’. Is [s], ‘years old. ‘ )
Lisa is 28 years old.
Uma is 76 years old.
Mohan is 85 years old.
Beena is 92 years old.

Program to enter and display information in a dictionary.

# Program using dictionary to enter and display information on the screen rec=dict ( )
num=int(input(“Enter number of students :”))i=1
while i<=num:
name=input(“Enter name of student :”)
per=input (“Enter marks% of student :”)
i = i+1
print(“Name of Student”,”\t”,”marks%”)
for i in rec:
Enter the number of students :3
Enter the name of student : Gagan
Enter marks% of student:87%
Enter the name of student: Geeta
Enter marks% of student:69%
Enter the name of the student: Anita
Enter marks% of student:95%
Name of Student %marks
Gagan 87%
Geeta 69%
Anita 95%

Program to enter name and percentage of marks in a dictionary, and then dis¬play information according to marks percentage, i.e., value-based.

# Program using dictionary to enter and display information in sorted order according to marks%
rec=dict ( )
num=int(input(“Enter number of students ))
while i<=num:
name=input(“Enter name of student :”)
per=int(input (“Enter marks% of student :”))
i = i + 1
Is = rec.keys ( )
print (“Name of Student”,”\t”,”marks%”)
for i in sorted(Is,key=rec.get) :
print (“\t” , i, “\t\t” , rec[i] )RUN
Enter Number of students:4
Enter name of student :Uma
Enter marks% of student :56
Enter name of student :Tina
Enter marks% of student :84
Enter name of student :Sonu
Enter marks% of student :98
Enter name of student :Yash
Enter marks% of student :45
Name of Student marks%
Yash 45
Uma 5 6
Tina 84
Sonu 98

Dictionary Keys are case sensitive i.e., same key name but with the different case are treated as different keys in python dictionaries.

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