You can learn about Dictionaries in Python Programs with Outputs helped you to understand the language better.
Python Programming – Sorting Key And Value
Creating the dictionary with a set of key: value pairs can be accomplished if all the data items are known in advance. Dictionaries do not have an inherent order. To impose order while processing a dictionary, you have to sort it using the sorted ( ) function. Looping over the sorted list of keys using sorted(ls), the dictionary content is printed out with the keys in alphabetical order as given below:
Is = {‘Uma’:76, ‘Mohan’:85, ‘Beena’:92, ‘Lisa’:28} for s in sorted(Is): # s iterates over the sorted list of keys print(s, ‘is’, Is [s], ‘years old.’) >>> Beena is 92 years old. Lisa is 28 years old. Mohan is 85 years old. Uma is 76 years old. >>> |
But what if you want to sort by member’s age here, the key= option, i.e., key=ls.get to be exact. For the dictionary value can be achieved by specifying example,
for s in sorted(ls, key=ls.get): # value-based sorting print(s, ‘is’. Is [s], ‘years old. ‘ ) >>> Lisa is 28 years old. Uma is 76 years old. Mohan is 85 years old. Beena is 92 years old. >>> |
- Python Programming – Dictionaries
- Python Programming – Creation, Initialization and Accessing The Elements In A Dictionary
- Python Programming – Standard Data Types
Program to enter and display information in a dictionary.
# Program using dictionary to enter and display information on the screen rec=dict ( ) num=int(input(“Enter number of students :”))i=1 while i<=num: name=input(“Enter name of student :”) per=input (“Enter marks% of student :”) rec[name]=per i = i+1 print(“Name of Student”,”\t”,”marks%”) for i in rec: print(“\t”,i,”\t\t”,rec[i])RUN >>> Enter the number of students :3 Enter the name of student : Gagan Enter marks% of student:87% Enter the name of student: Geeta Enter marks% of student:69% Enter the name of the student: Anita Enter marks% of student:95% Name of Student %marks Gagan 87% Geeta 69% Anita 95% >>> |
Program to enter name and percentage of marks in a dictionary, and then dis¬play information according to marks percentage, i.e., value-based.
# Program using dictionary to enter and display information in sorted order according to marks% rec=dict ( ) num=int(input(“Enter number of students )) i=1 while i<=num: name=input(“Enter name of student :”) per=int(input (“Enter marks% of student :”)) rec[name]=per i = i + 1 Is = rec.keys ( ) print (“Name of Student”,”\t”,”marks%”) for i in sorted(Is,key=rec.get) : print (“\t” , i, “\t\t” , rec[i] )RUN >>> Enter Number of students:4 Enter name of student :Uma Enter marks% of student :56 Enter name of student :Tina Enter marks% of student :84 Enter name of student :Sonu Enter marks% of student :98 Enter name of student :Yash Enter marks% of student :45 Name of Student marks% Yash 45 Uma 5 6 Tina 84 Sonu 98 >>> |
Dictionary Keys are case sensitive i.e., same key name but with the different case are treated as different keys in python dictionaries.