The list below is made to help new Python programmers to find the best python websites and tutorials around the web!
Python Websites Tutorials
Learn Python in 10 minutes
Python for Beginners
Python Documentation Index
Welcome to Python for you and me
Python Articles
Dive Into Python
Learn X in Y minutes
Google Class
After Hours Programming
Introduction to Computer Science and Programming
Python 2.2 Quick Reference
The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Python!
Computer Science Circles
Learn Python The Hard Way, 3rd Edition
Think Python
Python Fundamentals Tutorial
Python Cheat Sheet
Python Patrol Tutorial
Python 2.X Cheat sheet & Reference Guide
Instant Python
Complete Reference Manual, 5th Edition.
- Python Tutorial for Beginners | Learn Python Programming Basics
- Top 5 Free Python Resources for Beginners | Best Free Python Learning Resources
- Python – Quick Guide
Python IDE
Komodo Edit
Sublime Text
Python Interactive Tutorials
Python Monk
Try Python
Python Anywhere
Python Books
Learning Python
Python for Kids: A Playful Introduction to Programming
Python Cookbook
Introduction to Computation and Programming Using Python
Python Videos / Screencasts
The New Boston
Google Class Videos
Neckbeard Republic
Python Discussions / Forums
Reddit Learn Python
Python IRC channel
The Python Forum for Python users to chat
Python Tutor mailing list
Python Newsgroup
Python Weekly : A free weekly newsletter
Reddit Daily Programmer
Python Source Code
Nullege – a search engine for Python source code
Snipplr – Social Snippet Repository
Snipt – Publishing platform for coders
Gist – Share snippets and pastes with others
Python Games Tutorials
Lark’s Tongue Guide to Python!
CheckiO – Game World
Python Scraping Tutorials
Web Scraping Workshop
Python-recipe : Grab page, scrape table, download file
Python Systems Administration Tutorials
Python for system administrators
Salt Stack
Linux Journal – System Administration
System Administration
Python Exercises
Python Challenge
Project Euler
A Python Course
Python Web Frameworks
Flask : a microframework for Python
Django : The largest Python-based web framework
Bottle : a fast, simple and lightweight WSGI micro web-framework for Python
Pyramid: a very general open source Python web framework
web2py : Full-stack framework for rapid development of web-based applications
CherryPy: A Minimalist Python Web Framework
Zope : Opensource web application server written in Python