Python Programming – Python Native Data Types
As described in Chapter 2, Python language supports different data types to handle various sorts of data. Here in this chapter, we describe the following Python native data types in detail.
Number: represents numeric data to perform mathematical operations.
String: represents text characters, special symbols, or alphanumeric data.
List: represents sequential data that the programmer wishes to sort, merge, etc.
Tuple: represents sequential data with a little difference from the list.
Set: is used for performing set operations such as intersection, difference, etc with multiple values.
Dictionary: represents a collection of data that associate a unique key with each value.
- Python Programming – Standard Data Types
- Python Programming – Introduction To Numpy
- Python Programming – Dictionaries
In this chapter, we learned the Python native data types thoroughly. The Python language contains number, string, list, tuple, set, and dictionary, data types. These are the different ways to store data in Python. The number and string data types store numeric and character data respectively. Whereas, list, tuple, set, and dictionary store heterogeneous data sequentially. However, the set and dictionary represent an unordered representation of data. All the methods and functions associated with these data types are described with the programming illustration of each.