Arithmetic Operators
Python includes the +, -, *, /, % (modulus), and ** (exponentiation) operators
Assume variable a holds 10 and variable b holds 20 then:
Operator Description Example
+ Addition a + b will give 30
– Subtraction b will give -10
* Multiplication a * b will give 200
/ Division b / a will give 2
% Modulus b % a will give 0
** Exponent a**b will give 10 to the power 20
// Floor Division 9//2 is equal to 4 and 9.0//2.0 is equal to 4.0
- Quick Tip: Using Python’s Comparison Operators | Chaining Comparison Operators in Python
- Python Programming – Overloading Relational Operators
- Python Programming – Expressions
Comparison Operators
The basic comparison operators such as ==, <, >=, and so forth are used on all
manner of values.
Numbers, strings, sequences, and mappings can all be compared.
The following table shows a list of comparison operators.
Operator Description
< less than
<= less than or equal
== equal
> greater than
>= greater than or equal
!= not equal
<> not equal
Logical Operators
The logical operators and or also return a Boolean value when used in
a decision structure.
There are three logical operators: and, or, and not.
For example, x > 0 and x < 10 is true only if x is greater than 0 and less than 10
Operator Description
and logical AND
or logical OR
not logical NOT