Just like string methods, list methods are working on the list it’s being called from, if you for example have a list called: list1 = [“Movies”, “Music”, “Pictures”], then the list method is called such this: list1.list_method() Let’s demonstrate this by typing in some list method into the python interpreter.
- Python : List examples
- How to Test for Positive Numbers in Python | Python Program to Check if Number is Positive
- Using Python to Check for Number in List | Python List Contains | How to check if element exists in List in Python?
>>> list1 = ["Movies", "Music", "Pictures"] #list1.append(x) will add an element to the end of the list >>> list1.append("Files") >>> list1 ['Movies', 'Music', 'Pictures', 'Files'] #list1.insert(x, y) will add element y on the place before x >>> list1.insert(2,"Documents") >>> list1 ['Movies', 'Music', 'Documents', 'Pictures', 'Files'] #list1.remove(x) will remove the element x from the list >>> list1.remove("Files") >>> list1 ['Movies', 'Music', 'Documents', 'Pictures'] #list1.extend(x) will join the list with list x >>> list2 = ["Music2", "Movies2"] >>> list1.extend(list2) >>> list1 ['Movies', 'Music', 'Documents', 'Pictures', 'Music2', 'Movies2']
Please take a look at this List Methods post, which describes more List methods