The Magic 8 Ball is a toy used for fortune-telling or seeking advice.
Magic 8-ball written in Python
In this script, I’m using 8 possible answers, but please feel free to add more as you wish. There are 20 answers inside the Magic 8 Ball, and you can find them all here
# Import the modules import sys import random ans = True while ans: question = raw_input("Ask the magic 8 ball a question: (press enter to quit) ") answers = random.randint(1,8) if question == "": sys.exit() elif answers == 1: print "It is certain" elif answers == 2: print "Outlook good" elif answers == 3: print "You may rely on it" elif answers == 4: print "Ask again later" elif answers == 5: print "Concentrate and ask again" elif answers == 6: print "Reply hazy, try again" elif answers == 7: print "My reply is no" elif answers == 8: print "My sources say no"
Exercise: Is there a way to replace all elif answers with something else?