A dictionary constant consists of a series of key-value pairs enclosed by curly braces { }
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With dictionaries, you can store things so that you quickly can find them again
- What is a Dictionary in Python?
- Python Programming – Creation, Initialization and Accessing The Elements In A Dictionary
- Python Programming – Python Dictionary
Dictionary Operations
Below is a list of common dictionary operations:
create an empty dictionary
x = {}
create a three items dictionary
x = {"one":1, "two":2, "three":3}
access an element
get a list of all the keys
get a list of all the values
add an entry
change an entry
x["one"] = "uno"
delete an entry
del x["four"]
make a copy
y = x.copy()
remove all items
number of items
z = len(x)
test if has key
z = x.has_key("one")
looping over keys
for item in x.keys(): print item
looping over values
for item in x.values(): print item
using the if statement to get the values
if "one" in x: print x['one'] if "two" not in x: print "Two not found" if "three" in x: del x['three']