How to Create a Thread in Python

How to Create a Thread in Python

Introduction to Python threads What are threads? Simply put, try to imagine them as running several programs concurrently, in a single process. When you create one or more threads in your program, they get executed simultaneously, independent of each other, and most importantly, they can share information among them without any extra difficulty. Also Read: Start thread by member function with arguments These features make threads lightweight and handy in situations like network programming, when you try to ping (send network packets or requests) hundreds of workstations and you don’t want to ping them one after another! Since network replies may come after a significant amount of delay, the program will be extremely slow if you don’t ping many workstations concurrently. This article will show you how to create a thread in Python, and how to use them in general. How to Pickle Unpickle Tutorial | Understanding Python Pickling & Unpickling with Example Python Programming – Scope and Module Python for Android: Android’s Native Dialogs (SL4A) Create a Thread in Python Threading in Python is easy. First thing you need to do is to import Thread using the following code: from threading import Thread To create a thread in Python you’ll want…

Using Python to Display Calendars

Using Python to Display Calendars | Learn How to Print a Calendar in Python with Example

Are you excited to learn how to display calendars using python programming? If yes, then here’s a fun thing about Python that you can be commonly known with it ie., there is a simple and interesting built-in function in python to display a calendar. If you want to get a good hold on this particular concept please go with this Using Python Display Calendars Tutorial. By using this tutorial of Python program to display calendars, you can easily and effectively print a calendar of your selected year and month. This Tutorial of Using Python to Print Calendars covers below helpful modules:  Using Python Display Calendars Prerequisites for Learning Display Calendar using Python Python Program to Display Calendar Print a Calendar in Python Python calendar.weekday() method Calendar in Python Example Using Python Display Calendars In python, you can find plenty of bult-in functions for functioning many codes. Like that, it has a built-in calendar function you can use to display as many calendars as you like. When you import the function, you can use it to display a month of any year in standard calendar format (a month at the top, followed by 7 columns of days). Because it’s a built-in function,…

How to Test for Prime Numbers in Python

How to Test for Prime Numbers in Python | Python Program to Check if Number is Prime or Not

One of the best things that you can perform with python is checking the given number is prime or not. The prime numbers concept is very standard and remembered from primary math class. If you want to learn what is a prime number and how to test the number is prime or not in python check out the following modules without any fail. Read Also: Java Program to Check if a Given Number is Fibonacci Number or Not What is a Prime Number? How to Test for Prime Numbers in Python? Python Program for prime number Python program to check whether a number is Prime or not Optimized Method Explore more instances related to python concepts from Python Programs and get promoted from beginner to professional programmer level in Python Programming Language. What is a Prime Number? A prime number is any whole number (it must be greater than 1), whose only factors are 1 and itself, determining it can’t evenly be divided by any number (apart from 1 and itself, of course). Prime numbers include 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, and so on until infinity. How to Test for Positive Numbers in Python | Python Program to Check if Number…

Build Games for Python Using Pygame

Build Games for Python Using Pygame | What is PyGame? | Basic PyGame Program

Interested to start computer programming for coding special programs to introduce computer games. This tutorial of how to build games for python using pygame helps you figure out how to initiate and write games in python and on every platform. That’s how I found out Pygame and want to learn how to use it to build games python and other graphical programs. Make use of the below modules and become a primer on pygame. Read Also: Java Program to Check Whether the Matrix is a Magic Square or Not We will be covering the following topics in this Build Games for Python Using Pygame Tutorial: What is Pygame? Installing PyGame Importing and Initializing PyGame Basic PyGame Program How to Build Games in Python using Pygame? Game Architecture Directory and File Structure The GameObject Class What is Pygame? Pygame is a set of modules designed to help you write Python games by providing you with extra functionalities and libraries. It’s free, supports Python 3.2 and up, runs on just about every operating system and platform, and has over a million downloads, so it’s very widely used. How to Pickle Unpickle Tutorial | Understanding Python Pickling & Unpickling with Example Top 5…

Copy in Python

Copy in Python

In python programs, several times we need to have an identical copy of existing data. For simple data types like int, float, boolean values or string, an assignment operation does the task for us as they are immutable data types. After copying, when we make any changes to any variable with immutable data types, a new instance of data is created and they don’t affect the original data. In case of mutable data types like lists or dictionaries, If we use an assignment operator to copy the data to another variable, both the variables refer to the same data object and if we make changes to any of the variables, the object gets changed reflecting the effect on both the variables. In this article, we will try to understand this concept of copy in python with examples. Read Also: Java interview questions How to get the object ID of an object in python? To illustrate the concept of copy in python, we will need to know the object ID of an object. For this task, we will use the id() function. This function takes the variable name as input and returns a unique id for the object. This can be seen from…

Requests In Python

Requests In Python

What is Requests The Requests module is a an elegant and simple HTTP library for Python. Read Also: Dot Net Lectures Notes What can I do with Requests? Requests allow you to send HTTP/1.1 requests. You can add headers, form data, multipart files, and parameters with simple Python dictionaries, and access the response data in the same way. Note, the notes in this post are taken from : Requests Installation To install requests, simply: $ pip install requests Or, if you absolutely must: $ easy_install requests Make a Request Begin by importing the Requests module: >>> import requests Now, let’s try to get a webpage. For this example, let’s get GitHub’s public timeline >>> r = requests.get(‘’) # Now, we have a Response object called r. We can get all the information we need from this object. Using the Requests Library in Python Web Scraping with BeautifulSoup How to use the Vimeo API in Python To make a HTTP POST request >>> r =“”) You can also use other HTTP request types, like PUT, DELETE, HEAD and OPTIONS >>> r = requests.put(“”) >>> r = requests.delete(“”) >>> r = requests.head(“”) >>> r = requests.options(“”) Response Content We can…

How to Slice ListsArrays and Tuples in Python

How to Slice Lists/Arrays and Tuples in Python

So you’ve got an list, tuple or array and you want to get specific sets of sub-elements from it, without any long, drawn out for loops? Python has an amazing feature just for that called slicing. Slicing can not only be used for lists, tuples or arrays, but custom data structures as well, with the slice object, which will be used later on in this article. Read Also: Java Program to Find the Largest Palindrome in an Array Slicing Python Lists/Arrays and Tuples Syntax Let’s start with a normal, everyday list. >>> a = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8] Nothing crazy, just a normal list with the numbers 1 through 8. Now let’s say that we really want the sub-elements 2, 3, and 4 returned in a new list. How do we do that? NOT with a for loop, that’s how. Here’s the Pythonic way of doing things: >>> a[1:4] [2, 3, 4] This returns exactly what we want. What the heck does that syntax mean? Good question. Let me explain it. The 1 means to start at second element in the list (note that the slicing index starts at 0). The 4 means to end at the fifth element in the list, but not include it. The colon…

How to Sort Python Dictionaries by Key or Value

How to Sort Python Dictionaries by Key or Value

Note: If you want to sort a list, tuple or object in Python, checkout this article: How to Sort a List or Tuple in Python Read Also: Python Program to Compute the Value of Euler’s Number ,Using the Formula: e = 1 + 1/1! + 1/2! + …… 1/n! The dict (dictionary) class object in Python is a very versatile and useful container type, able to store a collection of values and retrieve them via keys. The values can be objects of any type (dictionaries can even be nested with other dictionaries) and the keys can be any object so long as it’s hashable, meaning basically that it is immutable (so strings are not the only valid keys, but mutable objects like lists can never be used as keys). Unlike Python lists or tuples, the key and value pairs in dict objects are not in any particular order, which means we can have a dict like this: numbers = {‘first’: 1, ‘second’: 2, ‘third’: 3, ‘Fourth’: 4} Although the key-value pairs are in a certain order in the instantiation statement, by calling the list method on it (which will create a list from its keys) we can easily see they aren’t stored in that order: >>> list(numbers) [‘second’, ‘Fourth’, ‘third’, ‘first’] Python Programming – Dictionary Functions…

How to Check if an Object has an Attribute in Python

How to Check if an Object has an Attribute in Python

Since everything in Python is an object and objects have attributes (fields and methods), it’s natural to write programs that can inspect what kind of attributes an object has. For example, a Python program could open a socket on the server and it accepts Python scripts sent over the network from a client machine. Upon receiving a new script, the server-side Python program can inspect or more precisely introspect objects, modules, and functions in the new script to decide how to perform the function, log the result, and various useful tasks. Read Also: What is a Pointer, Address Of(&) and Value Of(*) operator in C Python Programming – Built-in Functions Python Programming – Editing Class Attributes Python Programming – Built-in Class Attributes hasattr vs. try-except There’re two ways to check if a Python object has an attribute or not. The first way is to call the built-in function hasattr(object, name), which returns True if the string name is the name of one of the object‘s attributes, False if not. The second way is to try to access an attribute in an object and perform some other function if an AttributeError was raised. >>> hasattr(‘abc’, ‘upper’) True >>> hasattr(‘abc’, ‘lower’) True >>> hasattr(‘abc’, ‘convert’) False And: >>> try: … ‘abc’.upper() … except AttributeError: … print(“abc…

String to Integer in Python

String to Integer in Python

During programming in Python, We often need to convert a string to an integer in Python. This is because the standard input in Python is always read as a string independent of the type of input. To use integer data in our program when it is passed as space separated integers, we need to convert the string input to integer after splitting them using Python string split operation . In this article, we will look at how we can convert a string to integer without any errors and will implement the programs in Python. Also Read: Java Program to Convert String to Integer by Using Recursion How to convert string to integer in Python? We can use int() function to convert a string to integer in Python. The string which has to be converted to integer is passed to the int() function as input argument and the function returns the corresponding integer value if the string passed as input is in proper format and no error occurs during conversion of the string to integer. We can convert a string to integer using int() function as follows. print(“Input String is:”) myInput= “1117” print(myInput) print(“Output Integer is:”) myInt=int(myInput) print(myInt) Output: Input String is: 1117…